Statistics In The US

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study PIRLS 2016 Results PIRLS and ePIRLS Results

The trend of homeschooling tends to be increasing with no indications of any downfalls.

Around 3 percent of the children between the age groups of 5 to 17, known as school-age children opted for homeschooling in the U.S in the academic year of 2011-12.

Among the students who were homeschooled, the highest percentage was of whites- 83 percent, then of Blacks- 5 percent, Hispanic- 7 percent and finally Pacific Islander- 2 percent. Click through to check out the growth of homeschooling in the rest of the world.

The growth pattern of homeschooling in the United States has been increasing since 1970. the highest number of homeschoolers are in California with 198,947, then North Carolina with 131,295 and then Texas with 150,705 children. In the year 1999, the percentage of students was 1.7 percent which rose to 3.4 percent in 2012. in the year 2016, the ratio of flat-lined to 3.3 percent and is now increasing at a slow pace.

The data that was revealed also spoke about the grade levels of these students. 31 percent were known to be high school age, 24 percent were of grades between 6 to 8, 23 percent were of grade K-2 and remaining 22 percent of grades 3 to 5.

Also, 21 percent of homeschool children are from impoverished backgrounds while 79 percent are from non-poor backgrounds.

This report was published by the NCES- National Centers for Educational Statistics and the measurement was based on children being below or above the line of poverty. The maximum number of students are from the Suburban areas, the second highest from the city, third from the rural areas and lastly minimum from the town.